Victims of racial discrimination take heart -- you now have an ally in none other than Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
On 'The View,' Hasselbeck claimed to have received stares as she and her daughter, whose favorite toy is a black doll, walked through the streets of New York. And now, she says, she can relate to being black.
"We ran errands yesterday, so we went all around New York City and I saw a couple of looks that made me uncomfortable," Hasselbeck said, adding that people seemed to be questioning the color of her daughter's doll.
Because of this, Hasselbeck said she can "totally relate" to the black experience despite being white and that her name is "Hasselbeck, not Hasselblack." Hey, who needs 200 years of violent oppression when you've got a day's worth of puzzled stares?
Only in America can obscure white people without any real talent can be successful!
i really don't like her. nothing wrong with a non-black kid having a black doll. just comes off as odd sometimes. doesn't make it racial.
LOL! Elizabeth is quite the trip, bad trip...
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