Saturday, February 28, 2009

State of the Black Union

PBS Talk Show Host Tavis Smiley and a variety of America's black leaders meet in Los Angeles, CA, for the 2009 "State of the Black Union." This day-long event is titled, "Making America As Good As Its Promise."
The event is living up to its promise as recent challenges are made to the governors of Louisania, Mississipi, Tennessee and Georgia. Black Voters need to take the these policitians to task for recent actions and comments. Especially Bobby Jindal, and Sonny Perdue.


Kim said...

I only caught two of the panels on today. I didn't have too much complaint but (shhhh) I think Tavis secretly hates Obama. I am sooo in love with panel members Van Jones who linked green to green and Randall Robinson who spoke so highly of Mr. Obama. I know that made brotha Tavis mad..

lincolnperry said...
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lincolnperry said...

You are on point Kim, Tavis is a hater, I was impressed by the remarks of Dr Charles Ogletree and Maxine Waters who offered solutions and real strategy instead of the usual complaints, and black misery index!

lincolnperry said...

Kim, check out kellys take on the SBU at

Anonymous said...

i am confused with the separation of the sotbu and the sotbw. I have attended conferences for both. i kinda feel like both parties appointed themselves to be black leaders. i'm still on the fence about tavis smiley. i will have to check out the sotbu online i don't have cable.

lincolnperry said...

Tavis is a shake down artiste in the manner of Jesse Jackson Sr!