Monday, July 14, 2008

New Yorker I don't see your satirical wit!

Doesn't appear that the Obama's are going to get a reprieve this week, or any time soon. After watching there Kennedequese performance on Access Hollywood, I figure they were becoming American Darlings that they deserve to be. But once again the American media raises its ugly bias under the guise of satire.

This week's cover of The New Yorker magazine portrays Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, standing in the Oval Office after winning the presidential election. Of course, that vision alone is enough to get some people worked up. But the illustrator, Barry Blitt, has pulled out all the stops in his portrayal of the would-be first couple. Barack wears a turban and tribal Muslim attire. His wife, who has combed out her afro, wears a semi-automatic rifle on her back and gives her husband a "terrorist fist-jab" beneath a painting of Osama bin Laden that hangs above a fireplace aflame with the American flag
What reassurances are White Americans wanting from the OBAMAs, that don't won't be enslaved, that the treasury won't issue those outstanding reparations cheques, that they won't have fish Fry's and barbeque's on the White House lawn.

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