Saturday, June 13, 2009

PBS Tavis Colson Whitehead Interview

After reading Toures review in the New York Times, I had my issues with Toures post-racial rationalizes, but I saw this coming, but Colson gave Tavis a reasonable explanation on his take of the article and this alledge post racial period we live in.


Citizen Ojo said...

I didn't read his article but I try to stay away from Post Racial Talk. Post Racial Talk is like Big Foot...only a few people have claimed to have seen it but in reality it doesn't exist.

lincolnperry said...

Its a Urban Legend espoused by apologist!

Just in case you get curious its

Anonymous said...

i think this is silly. i'm still black everyday. sometimes hear i just feel like a foreigner though. lol

lincolnperry said...

You never told me what you doing in Korea?

Anonymous said...

i'm teaching english and whatnot